This course is designed to provide case managers with a framework for holistically assessing a client's personal economic situation, and for targeting priority needs and root causes. Read more

Learn about some of the concepts that help explain our economic behavior. Read more

In this course, we'll examine difficult conversations, using the Four Processes of Motivational Interviewing as a framework. We'll investigate why conversations are difficult, how to begin these conversations, focus and work through them, and provide tips, strategies and techniques for making them effective. Read more

Here are some ideas for helping your clients design meaningful and effective goals. This is not a step-by-step guide, more like a collection of paintbrushes and a palette of colors. Key concepts: goal design, barriers, scarcity & stress, the process of working on goals. Read more

This course will provide you with practical tools and exercises to help you and your clients raise awareness of their habits, understand why it's important to save money, and to develop a habit of savings. Read more

Cutting through stress to bring the holidays home. Read more
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